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हिताहितं सुखं दुःखमायुस्तस्य हिताहितम् । मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तमायुर्वेद स उच्यते ।।  (Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 1st Chapter)


Life is a set of events that may act as a favourable one to some while the same is unfavourable to some. The ability to have these events favourable or unfavourable is dependent of one’s own actions. On the basis of this, the life is actually classifiable into 4 varieties namely Hita Ayu, Ahita Ayu, Sukha Ayu and Dukha Ayu. The science that deals with these four varieties is known as AYURVEDA. But to describe these set of events, there is need to have many principles that are always useful in understanding the universe, environment and lastly ourselves. These principles are known as Basic principles of Ayurveda. These principles are mainly derivatives of those that are present in scholarly texts known as Darshana. These Darshanas are the philosophies that address the necessity of knowing and understanding the various events of one’s life which are either directly and indirectly connected to us.  


There are many Darshanas around the world that have their origin whenever there is a need to answer certain difficult situations of life. When the Darshanas or philosophies make their presence in a large way by involving the different dimensions of life it becomes all the more important to everyone of us. Thus it becomes a way of life finally. Among the different philosophies, Ayurveda has great influence of 9 philosophies namely the षड् दर्शन (Shad Darshana), बौध दर्शन (Baudha Darshana), जैन दर्शन (Jaina Darshana) and चार्वाक दर्शन (Charvaka Darshana). These philosophies have their origin from the different parts of India itself and thus have a great influence on the science of Ayurveda. They form the very basic foundation for all the principles of Ayurveda.  


Like any other science, Ayurveda too has certain principles that form the basic foundations for its existence, explanation and practice. The very objectives of the science is not only to give treatment for the cure of a disease but also to maintain the healthy status. The principles are present in a dual framework of philosophy and scientific logic rather than only scientific. Hence, the science of Ayurveda has a very unique principles that not only addresses the physical and materialistic substance but also those which are abstract in nature. Even today we can see that if the use of Ayurveda is in a proper, logical and well-planned supervised manner, it will lead to considerable improvement in the quality of life. Hence, to understand the science it is important to know the principles in a detailed manner. Below is the list of these concepts and principles which can be known in detail by clicking them.



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