Snehana is the process of applying oil to the body, both externally ( Abhyanga – Massage) and internally as preparation for Pancha Karma. Abhyanga is recommended as part of Dinacharya and as part of treatments.
Abhyangamachaarenithyam sa jarakramavataha | Dristiprasadapustyaayuh svapnasutavaktadardhyakrt || Ashtanga Sangraha Sutra. Sthana 21 /36
Ayurvedic Scholars state that, regular practise of oil massage will prevent ageing, reduce tiredness and Vata related complains. It improves vision, nourishes body tissues, prolongs lifespan, induces good sleep, improve skin color and complexion and helps maintain good physique. Pain Sutraa is made according to traditional Ayurvedic principles. This ensures proper transfer of plant phytochemicals into the base oils which ensure its activity.
What the Science says:
The endocannabinoid system is known to be one of the key endogenous system regulating pain. By the application of the oil that contains ‘Vijaya’ (Cannabis sativa), the receptors of the endocannabinoid system are triggered, thus resulting in the control of pain.