The Concept of Tridosha

Tridosha is the basic theory or concept that has been used by the system of Ayurveda in a very elaborative manner. Its applications in the disease evaluation, physiological assessment and  the treatment aspects of disease has lead to its detailed understanding and application. A proper analysis of the Doshas will lead to a highly effective treatment also. Basically, it is derived from the Panchamahabhuta principle, but has larger applications in the principles of  Ayurveda. Thus,………CONTINUE READING

Introduction to Medical Cannabis -2

Medical Cannabis is a branch that has developed on the basis of endocannabinoid system. The detailed and well documented mapping of endocannabinoid system has lead to the understanding of the mechanism that cannabis acts on the body. Its influence on the multiple systems of the body and their relative effects has made it one of the most emphasized subject today. With better understanding, the plant cannabis has got wider acceptance, understanding and application too. This………CONTINUE READING