Cannabis is a plant that has always been catering the various needs of mankind right from thousands of years. Its use varied from clothing to shelter and also from food to medicine. It was mainly cultivated for its seeds and fibres where the seeds were used as a super food while the fibres were used for preparing the clothing. Over the years with new research and development, the use extended from food to medicine while the fibres got developed into sheets for creating shelter. In fact the word “CANVAS” is obtained from the word Cannabis because the raw material for paper was the plant in the beginning. Even the US Declaration of Independence is said to be done in the paper made from Cannabis too. 

The medicinal use of Cannabis was known to the world mainly China and India as early as 4000 years ago. But due to its Euphoric effect, this was slowly abused making way for strict laws and policies to control them. As a result there was a curb on the use of Cannabis all over the world. Later Dr Raphael Mechoulam an Israeli scientist conducted series of research to understand the components and working of Cannabis and cannabinoids. This led to the discovery of Endocannabinoid System which is the master controlling system in the body. Hence, the scientist Dr Raphael Mechoulam is known as the FATHER OF MEDICAL CANNABIS as his research was instrumental in the revival of cannabis with respect to Medical use. With an intention of creating awareness of this field the video is attached regarding it. Hope all of you enjoy it and understand the true potency of Cannabis for ensuring good health. Moreover, a detailed class online on Medical Cannabis will be organised by AYURSOLN which can be an opportunity to learn and bring it into practice. The details of the course and the charges are mentioned in the page MEDICAL CANNABIS CLASS. Click the same to open the page, where the button is present to be clicked for opening the application for the same.  


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